What You can expect from this course

How this course is arranged

This is the introduction module, more like a welcome, so that you are warmed up.

Once you are done, mark this lesson as complete.

And then you will get your first curated knowledge module.

We generally arrange the module into




Very simple

Read the article

Listen to the podcast or read the article

Do the task

That's your task for the day. You can do it anytime during the day. Some days may not have a task in particular. But every day will have a curated piece of knowledge for you to consume and free resources from links that we share.

And mark yourself complete once done. So you can track your progress.

But what if I can't do it on that day?

You have access to this course, you can do it the next day

Why do we have daily assignments?

The idea is to take one concrete step every day towards your goal of creating content.

If you learn something new every day, then by the end of one year, you would have learned 365 new things to help you with your chosen career.

While it may seem like there are so many creators becoming big on platforms instantly, the whole process takes time. And there is no limit to how much you can learn. We have been creating content since 2017 and we still keep reading about storytelling, new tips on editing, different ways to process audio, brand building. The learning process is continuous.

How much time will it take?

The articles we have shared are mostly 10 minute reads. Some podcasts can go up to an hour. YouTube videos are upto 20 minutes, some rare ones are longer. We don't want to overwhelm you so you'll get either an article, a podcast, or a video in a day. And if you're in the mood for more, we have bonus resources for you to go through. These are strictly optional, but the more you learn, the more you have a chance to find the one thing that changes things for you!

What happens if I miss one day's assignment?

You can access it the next day and do it whenever you have time.

Complete and Continue